[ Oct 02, 2018 10:39 EDT : Final Results]

KD Rating:National League

351Bautista, G
351Sadler, C
353Howard, S
353McGrath, K
353Urias, J
353Medlen, K
353Underwood Jr., D
353Reyes, A
359Scribner, T
360Baumann, B
360Perez, H
360Descalso, D
363Kratz, E
363Krehbiel, J
363Ravin, J
363Asher, A
367Hanhold, E
368Caratini, V
368Holaday, B
368Florimon, P
368Spangenberg, C
368Avila, A
368Tseng, J
368Krol, I
375Quinn, R
376Dixon, B
376Hoover, J
376Burdi, N
376La Stella, T
376Copeland, S
376Kingery, S
382Zagurski, M
382Adams, A
382Mathis, J
382Culberson, C
382McCreery, A
382Whitley, C
382Happ, I
382Blandino, A
382Neal, Z
382Reyes, J
382Valentin, J
382Sandoval, P
382Garcia, G
382Gyorko, J
396Rizzo, A
396Ervin, P
396Butera, D
396Hernandez, K
396Reynolds, M
  • KD:Komatsu-shiki Donation Rating
  • G :Games
  • IP:Innings Pitched
  • W :Wins
  • L :Losses
  • Hld:Holds
  • Sv:Saves

What is KD ( Komatsu-shiki Donation Rating)?

KD is one of baseball statistic which is popular to certain internet people in Japan. It is calculated with a simple formura as below :

KD = (IP * 3) + (W + HLD + SV) * 10

It is quite different from the concept of sabermetrics. But interestingly, KD clearly shows the pitcher's impression , impact or contribution to the team. And KD can compare pitchers with different role : starter, setup man and closer.

In 2011, Satoshi KOMATSU ( ex Orix Buffaloes picher, NPB ) started his contribution activity named "ONE OUT DONATION". He donated amounts calculated from his pitching results to a charity group.

KD formula (seen above) is based on his method of calculating donation amounts.